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ted williams bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "ted williams"
  • The only thing Ted Williams had frozen was his head.
    Satu-satunya hal Ted Williams telah dibekukan adalah kepalanya.
  • One day at Fenway Park... Ted Williams
    Suatu hari di Fenway Park, Ted Williams..
  • Ted Williams, the last day of the season, is batting 400.
    Ted Williams, hari terakhir musim liga, telah memukul 400.
  • Ted Williams, Frank Robinson, Carl Yastrzemski?
    Ted Williams, Frank Robinson, Carl Yastrzemski?
  • Ted Williams would roll over in his freezer if he saw this.
    Ted Williams akan berguling histeris dalam freezer jika melihat ini.
  • Ben says if it's a boy, they'll name him Ted Williams Wrightman.
    Ben bilang kalau laki-laki, mereka akan menamakannya Ted Williams Wrightman.
  • So, uh, when they wheeled out Ted Williams at the all-star game-
    Jadi, eh, Ketika Mereka mendorong keluar Ted Williams di All-Star Game
  • Did Ted Williams sit out the last game to protect his.400 average?
    Apakah Ted Williams duduk di luar arena pertandingan terakhir untuk melindungi his.400 rata-rata?
  • A writer named Ted Williams called me, and he was asking me a couple of questions about what I saw, because he's writing an article for Audubon magazine.
    Penulis bernama Ted Williams meneleponku, dan dia menanyakan pertanyaan padaku tentang apa yang saya telah saksikan, sebab dia menulis artikel di majalah Audubon.
  • Wenkus has also written several other screenplays in development including a remake of the film, Dolemite, and recently researched and wrote the screenplay, Teddy Ballgame, about the life of Boston Red Sox slugger and war hero Ted Williams.
    Wenkus juga menulis beberapa skenario lainnya dalam pengembangan yang meliputi sebuah remake dari film Dolemite, dan sekarang meneliti dan menulis skenario film Teddy Ballgame, tentang kehidupan pahlawan perang Ted Williams.